Authors' Note.
1. Definition of Research
The Research Process.
Kinds of Academic Writing.
What Research Is Not
The Value of Research
Part 1: Kinds of Theological Education Research
2. Biblical Exegesis and Interpretation.
Steps in the Exegetical Process.
Presentation of Exegesis.
3. Literary Research.
Primary and Secondary Sources
Pastoral Theology.
4. Human Subject Research, Part 1.
The Institutional Review Board.
Descriptive Research
5. Human Subject Research, Part 2.
Program Development as Research.
The Case Study as Research.
Action Research...
Further Reading on Human Subject Research.
Part 2: Educational Settings for Theological
6. Class Research Papers
Why Research Papers?.
Thinking about the Assignment?
Key Differences between Term Papers and
The Uncertainty Principle.
Practical Strategies......
Research Paper Assessment.
7. Academic Theses and Dissertations.
Review of Literature
8. Practical or Professional Theology
Types of Projects.
Stages of the Project
Other Kinds of Doctor of Ministry or Missiology
9. Writing for Publication.
Book Reviews.
Journal Articles.
Part 3: Carrying Out the Research
10. Research Thinking.
Research Mindset.
Thinking Processes.
Asking Questions. Intellectual Honesty.
11. Choosing a Topic
Narrowing the Topic.
Selecting a Thesis or Dissertation Topic.
12. Planning Research
Basic Steps
The Proposal.
Tentative Outline.
13. Finding and Evaluating Resources in the
Using the Library.
Evaluating Your Materials
14. Taming the Internet: Using and Evaluating
Its Resources.
Using a Search Engine.
Institutional Repositories.
Open Access Publishing.
Social Media.
Evaluating Internet Sources.
15. Research Reading and Note Taking.
Taking Good Notes
Registering Bibliographical Data.
16. Research Writing.
Research English...
The Paragraph: Smallest Unit of the Paper
Transitions and Introductions.
The Writing Process.
Help for the Novice Writer.
17. Organizing the Paper.
Parts of the Paper.
Organizing the Body of the Paper..
Practical Helps for Organizing the Paper.
18. Documentation.
Reference Notes.
Content Notes.
Bibliographical Entries.
19. Statistics, Tables, and Graphs..
Some Basics of Statistics.
Statistical Graphs and Tables.
Statistics and Honesty.
Part 4: Presenting the Research
20. Formatting the Paper...
Page Format
Footnotes and Quotations.
Tables, Figures, and Illustrations
Spelling and Punctuation.
Sample Pages
21. Turabian 9, Footnote and Bibliography
Published Materials
Unpublished Materials.
Electronic Media
22. Turabian 9, Author-Date Style.
Published Materials
Unpublished Materials.
Electronic Media
23. APA Citation Style.
APA in the Text of the Paper.
Reference Lists.
Selected Bibliography.
Appendix A: Transliteration of Biblical
Appendix B: Abbreviations for Bible Books
Appendix C: Websites for Abbreviations in the
Area of Religion.
Appendix D: Tips on Format....
Appendix E: Abbreviations for U.S. States.